Meet Danielle Marlin

Operations Manager
Danielle Marlin
Introducing Danielle Marlin, BellAir’s accomplished Operations Manager, who brings over 12
years of invaluable aviation experience to the forefront. A passionate learner and advocate of
continuous improvement, Danielle has a keen interest in watching others thrive through the
process of learning.
Originally hailing from Southern California, Danielle made the scenic move to Boulder,
Colorado, in 2007. Her academic journey led her to CU Boulder, where she graduated with a
degree in psychology, setting the foundation for her multifaceted approach to leadership.
In 2012, Danielle embarked on her aviation career as a Flight Coordinator for a small 135
operator, later transitioning to Mountain Aviation in 2016. In a remarkable trajectory, she
swiftly ascended from a Flight Coordinator to a team trainer and eventually assumed the role of
Flight Ops Manager within three years.
Her tenure at Mountain Aviation from 2019 to 2023 involved her active participation in
CARB/ISBAO/Argus/Vendor audits, where she showcased her expertise in leadership, process
implementation, and part 91 and 135 operations. Overseeing flight operations for 60 floating
and owner aircraft, Danielle spearheaded a team of 20+ Flight Coordinators and successfully led
an operation system changeover.
In her current capacity as Operations Manager at BellAir, Danielle is committed to ensuring
organized, effective, and productive operations across various facets of the company. With a
focus on standardization and scalability for departmental growth, she envisions a future where
the company thrives while preserving the existing relationships and closeness that define
BellAir's unique culture.
Danielle's notable projects include the creation and implementation of a comprehensive
training program, a successful operations system changeover, and seamless involvement in a
company acquisition. Despite the ongoing push for growth and change at BellAir, Danielle
remains steadfast in her commitment to accomplishing milestones while nurturing the
importance of relationships within the thriving BellAir community.